Ewa and other plays

Anne Tanyi-Tang

Enslaved, hated and tortured by her own mother (Nyango), Ewa is refused basic education and forced to marry at the tender age of 13. But even her maritallife proves to be a nightmare, characterized by unending torments received from her husband. The young woman, however, faces the challenges of life with courage and determination.

Anne Tanyi- Tane was born at Akiriba villaee in Manyu Division, Cameroon. ln 1982, she attended the University of Yaounde and obtained a Bachelor if Arts (BA) in English in 1985. She enrolled in the Department if Drama and Theatre Studies, Faculty if Humanities, University of Kent at Canterbury, Enqland in 1987. ln November 1989, she was admitted to the deqree if Master if Arts (MA). Then, she enrolled in the Department of Social Anthropoloqy, Faculty of Arts, University of St. Andrews, Scotland where she obtained the deqree if Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Drama, Theatre and Social Anthropology in July 1994. In 2004, she was awarded a Fulbrigh African Senior Research Scholar Grant to carry out research in the United States if America. From January 2009 to March 2013, she was the Chief of the Division of General Administration and Personnel Administration, the University of Maroua. Presently, she is an Associate Professor and the Vice-Dean in charge of Proqrammes and Academics in the Faculty if Arts, the University of Buea. Apart from teachinq and research, she equally produces and directs plays.

Ewa and other plays

Format : 14,5 x 20,5
Pages : 135
Parution : 2001
ISBN : 978-2-7235-0590-1

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